
The Lakewood Community News is the only publication dedicated solely to Lakewood and is published by the Greater Lakewood Chamber of Commerce with a residential and business distribution of 30,000 copies. The newspaper is a great way to market your business to the Lakewood Community and stay on top of the “Happenings Around Town.”
Chamber Members enjoy a 20% discount on advertising, another value-added benefit of Chamber Membership. We also welcome news about the community, individuals, students, organizations, and clubs.
Advertise With Us
Lakewood Community News has a circulation of 30,000 copies delivered to homes and retail points throughout the Greater Lakewood area, and mailed to Chamber Members and Government Officials.
90712 - Lakewood - 10,900 copies
90713 - Lakewood - 9,800 copies
90715 - Lakewood - 4,900 copies
90807 - Long Beach - 1,000 copies
90808 - Long Beach - 400 copies
For information regarding advertising options,
call (562) 531-9733 or email: info@lakewoodchamber.com​

Advertising Rates and Sizes