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Greater Lakewood Chamber of Commerce reaches 75th Anniversary milestone

The Greater Lakewood Chamber of Commerce turns 75! 

Officially incorporated on April 11, 1949 by John Todd, five years before the City of Lakewood officially became an incorporated CIty.

The Chamber's offices have moved from different locations throughout the City of Lakewood, and most recently moved into a space at the Lakewood Center.

Seventy-five years is no easy task but through it all, including Covid, the Greater Lakewood Chamber of Commerce has continued to be a voice for economic empowerment. 

The GLCC's milestone year is led by Joanie Dixson as Chair, and Deeny Henry as Vice Chair, along with Sherry Daisey and Travis Jackson, as secretary and treasurer, respectively.

"Even before realizing we were turning 75 years old this year, 2024 was already going to be an amazing year," said Dixson. "Our plans for 2024 just got bigger. We are all excited to be serving as the Chamber's Board of Directors during this moment in the Chamber's history."

The Chamber, for 2024, has revamped its benefits, its goals and its budget to better meet the needs of its members. 

"As a board, we have sat down and discussed what has worked for the chamber and its members, and what hasn't. Last year was a year of rebuilding our foundation after Covid, but this year will be about finding new, bigger ways to support our members and help grow our economic footprint in this great City."

The four new board of directors are accompanied by seven additional board members, including: Glenn Curu, Glen Patrick, Mike Hedges, Mike Segura, Ulysses Carmona and Jonathan Byun.

"Times are changing, and so it is important that what we bring to the table, in this City, and for our members, change, too," said Marisela Santana, the GLCC's Director of Business Development and Member Value. "The benefits that we offer to our members have to change with the times. You can't grow if you stay in the same place."

Along with new ideas for 2024, while keeping Chamber event staples, like the Summer Stampede, the Chamber for 2024 is indeed working on plans for its 75th Anniversary Gala. While details will slowly be released, for now, the Chamber is excited to announce that its 75th Anniversary Gala will be taking place on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

"The City of Lakewood has been a symbol of economic empowerment for decades, people look to Lakewood to set an example, and businesses come to Lakewood in hopes of being a part of this City's greatness," said Santana. 

"The Chamber is here to help stear businesses in that direction. We're here to help businesses grow and find their paths to sustainability. In celebrating our 75th Anniversary, we're not just celebrating our milestone, we are celebrating a City that has remained a backbone for its businesses over the years. You have businesses that have made Lakewood their home for 40, 50, 60 years - that says a lot about a City and its community - and that is definitely worth celebrating."


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